About Us
Meet The Staff
Tara Lowndes, CD
Commanding Officer
Mandy McGregor, CD
Training Officer
Lt Ivanna Montani
Assistant Training Officer
Capt. Jody McLeod
Supply Staff
Patricia Paul, CD
Administration Officer
Clarence Paul, CD
Supply Staff
Colin Maynard
Training Staff
Derek Clark
Training Staff
TV Brianna McGregor
Supply Staff
TV Samantha Fortune
Assistant Administration Officer
This Is Our History
2293 Army Cadets was originally designated as #2293 The Saskatoon Light Infantry Cadet Corps on its formation, effective 1 May 1947. As the affiliated unit was re-designated, so was the Cadet Corps. Effective 17 February 1955 it was re-designated as #2293 2nd Battalion, The North Saskatchewan Regiment (SLI) Cadet Corps.
In December of 1970, with the reduction of the affiliated Regiment to one Battalion, the Corps was re-designated as #2293 The North Saskatchewan Regiment Army Cadet Corps. The Corps is sponsored by Unit #38, Army Navy and Air Force Veterans Association.